Partner of attachment: AZ (AstraZeneca AB) SE
Supervisor : Prof. Magnus SCHOU
University of Attachment : KI (Karolinska Institute) SE
Director of Thesis: Prof. Magnus SCHOU

Biological drugs such as proteins and nucleic acids have become the most rapidly growing modality in the pharmaceutical industry. Isotope labeling supports various stages of drug development and suitable benign labeling strategies are especially required for biological drug candidates. Anespecially powerful imaging technique that makes use of isotope labeling is Positron Emission Tomography (PET). PET can track the distribution of radiolabeled drugs within patients, providing real-time images of where the drug localizes in various tissues. This is crucial for assessing a drug'sability to reach its intended target and for optimizing dosing strategies.
The objective of my research is to apply new labeling methods on biological constructs such as Antisense Oligonucleotides (ASO) to enable preclinical PET imaging. Using PET in a preclinical setting can provide early critical information about the in vivo pharmacokinetics, distribution, drug-target interactions (and target occupancy) as well as off-target binding of novel drug molecules.